Our mission is to provide the best environment for young and old together to grow, experience and share the richness and generosity of Christ.
Our Pastor
Rev. Kevin Van Brunt
Since 2016, the Reverend Kevin Van Brunt has served as the Pastor of Melvin Village Community Church. Since 2005, Kevin has served as the President and Executive Director of Sentinel Ministries. He oversees the operation of Camp Sentinel in Center Tuftonboro, New Hampshire. In his previous experience, he served the Young Men's Christian Association in Goffstown, New Hampshire as the Associate Branch Executive, overseeing branch operations and coaching the branch staff team. He also served at Faith Baptist Church in Manchester, New Hampshire as Associate and Youth Pastor, where he was ordained in Pastoral ministry in 2002. He holds a Bachelor's degree in Recreation and Leisure studies with minors in Youth Ministry, Outdoor Education and Special Education from Gordon College. Kevin's vision for ministry is to "clear the path to God" for people to experience God's truth in love. Kevin and his wife Traci have been married since 1997 and they have three children Tucker, Abigail and Owen. In his free time, Kevin enjoys projects at the log cabin he and his family built in Madison, New Hampshire.

Church Leadership

Peggy Johnson

Administrative Assistant
Family and Youth Coordinator

Kerry Lynch
Treasurer/Financial Secretary

Nickie Hunter

Jack Widmer
Treasurer/Financial Secretary

Church History
As early as the year 1800 the Church of Christ began to play a leading role in the life of the Town of Tuftonboro, the Baptist Chruch however was not organized until July 1837 when a small group met in the barn of Jonathan Varney of Tuftonboro. In August another meeting was held in Mr. Varney's barn and in September another meeting was held in the school house near Melvin Village. Not until October, however, was the Church formally organized, for according to the minutes of the meeting held on October sixteenth it is noted that on that date a group of ten men and fifteen women met at the home of Peter Stackpole in Melvin Village and decided to organize a Church and together they drew up the following statement of purpose.
We whose names are undersigned, believing it for the glory of God and for the advancement of the cause and kingdom of our dear Redeemer, and for the helping of each other towards our Heavenly home, do this sixteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and thirty-seven.
We as brethren agree to walk together in love and to take the New Testament for our only rule of faith and practice."
Elder Busell was chosen pastor, Richard Caverly, deacon and Peter Stackpole, clerk. The Society was to be known as the First Freewill Baptist Church of Moultonborough and Tuftonborough.
After several reorganizations, it appears that two separate and distinct groups were formed; one of which carried the name of the Freewill Baptist Church, and the other the Freewill Baptist Society. The former group conducted the religious services and the latter the business meetings. Records indicate that the two groups were later merged (1940) and continued under the name of the Melvin Village Community Baptist Church which later became the Melvin Village Community Church.
Although the Church maintains a connection with the Baptist denomination it in no way considers itself in a strictly denominational light. Rather it chooses to identify itself with the great Christian Church universal. The privilege of membership is extended to all true disciples of Christ, regardless of their former labels, and together we gather from week to week for our common worship of Almighty God and the united study of His way of life. It has long been the feeling of the members of the Church that, included in its essential constituency are the many persons who spend their vacation periods in the community and its surrounding area. As a result of this feeling, there has been a constant stream of "visitors" who, year after year, have ignited their hearts in worship with its members and who have indelibly impressed on their memories a sense of their reverence and devotion to our common Lord. And so it has been for more than one hundred and thirty-five years, scores upon scores of persons have met in the Chruch, have cemented fast friendships and have lifted their hearts and minds in prayer, preaching the praises to the God and Father of us all.
What to Expect
Our morning service begins at 10:00 a.m. and ends at 11:00 a.m. Each Sunday nursery care is available. Music is played by our pianist/organist-choir director. The prelude offers time for quiet reflection before the service. Each service the worship leader makes announcements prior to the "Light and the Word" being brought into the sanctuary. The service has a Call to Worship, several hymns, Old Testament reading, New Testament reading, time for sharing Prayers of Hope and Care, an offering, and sermon. Fellowship time is shared at the end of each service, hosted by one of the committees in the Gribbel Room.
1st Sunday of the month: Communion is served.
3rd and 4th Sunday of the month: a HYMN SING begins our morning service. Time to stump the organist and to sing your favorite hymns!
Nursery Coverage and Sunday School are offered each Sunday during the school year. Children are invited downstairs to learn stories from the Bible, make fun crafts, and learn more about Jesus. During the summer, nursery is provided for infants to toddlers.